Ron Bailey, AIA


Since joining PBK in 1985, Ron has compiled vast experience in the planning, design, and construction of school facilities.  His experience includes new facilities, such as Elementary, Middle and High Schools, as well as Career and Technology Education Centers, Maintenance/Transportation Centers, Natatoriums, Fine Arts Centers, and other school projects ranging from $250,000.00 to $140,000,000.00.

In addition, Ron has helped school districts with the development of District-Wide Long Range Facilities Master Plans, to determine a pathway for future district improvements. Ron has also successfully conducted over 75 master planning efforts for both small and large K-12 school districts. These comprehensive capital improvement programs collectively have accounted for the implementation of over 1.8 billion dollars in construction costs.

Since joining PBK in 1985, Ron has compiled vast experience in the planning, design, and construction of school facilities.  His experience includes new facilities, such as Elementary, Middle and High Schools, as well as Career and Technology Education Centers, Maintenance/Transportation Centers, Natatoriums, Fine Arts Centers, and other school projects ranging from $250,000.00 to $140,000,000.00.

In addition, Ron has helped school districts with the development of District-Wide Long Range Facilities Master Plans, to determine a pathway for future district improvements. Ron has also successfully conducted over 75 master planning efforts for both small and large K-12 school districts. These comprehensive capital improvement programs collectively have accounted for the implementation of over 1.8 billion dollars in construction costs.

“The opportunity to create innovative, forward-thinking school facilities, which directly affect the quality of a student’s learning experience, has been a cornerstone of my 36 years at PBK. I am proud to be part of a team of diverse professionals that bring to life, cutting-edge learning environments for our young students. Having witnessed a generation of learners now becoming employees at PBK, who are now designing school buildings for the next generation, it is a reminder of this perpetual circle. It makes me realize how humbling our job as architects and designers really are.”
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